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Scoil Mhuire agus Iosef, Sinsear, Cois Bá. Bayside Senior National School, Dublin 13
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Competition Winner!

3rd Nov 2021

We are very proud of one of our 6th class pupils who was chosen as the winner of the Howth Sutton Lions Club Peace poster art competition.

The theme was connectedness and the winner summarised his entry with the message that no matter what our race or gender we are all human.

Here are some of the comments from the adjudicator:

"The poster demonstrates how despite superficial differences, we as humans have more in common than we think. Artistic expression/merit: Very vivid and bold use of colour. Extremely clear and simple imagery. Confident pencil strokes. Expression of the theme: The theme can be deciphered immediately. The ways in which we are all connected is depicted through simple imagery and shapes."

The winning entry will now be sent off for the national competition - well done!