News Nuacht
2022/2023 School Year
19th Jun 2023
The super editors and research journalists in 5th class, Room 5 have done a...
14th Jun 2023
Many parents of new first year students only hear about the HSE second level school...
30th May 2023
Well done to our tennis team who took home the shield at the Peninsula Cup in Sutton...
18th May 2023
There is great work going on in our back courtyard.
We have lots of green...
11th May 2023
Congratulations to our Spelling Bee champion who competed in the finals this week....
11th May 2023
Many thanks to all who contributed to our recent Trócaire collection.
Scoil Mhuire agus Iosef, Sinsear, Cois Bá. Bayside Senior National School, Verbena Avenue, Dublin 13, Ireland | Phone 01 839 3682 Roll Number 19533Q